Monday, June 21, 2010

Boys and Decorating

Thanks to the fact that it's all boys around these parts we have to make the best out of their contributions to the decorating and ambiance in our home.  My lovely centerpiece on the kitchen table,

If you look closer you may notice my nine year old sons addition to a beautiful home.

Yes, those are two huge slimy tadpoles.

Chalk this one up to a teachable moment that will not last forever for me, but hopefully leave a good impression in the mind of a child.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A compliment to those (things) I love.

I must resort to replicate, that's not bad right?  It's a compliment.  

This is my version, half price canvas, half price paint.  A fraction on the frame, who knew custom frames were so expensive, my home made version was more up my alley.  I learned many great things in the process, and that's priceless really.

This is the one I fell in lust with on  I'll take the whole room if anyone's asking.  Listing of my wants and hopefully over time my master room might evolve to,

1. framed art check
2. white puffy comforter
3. night tables with lights and cool accessories
4. I like the overhead light thing too, but hubby says no, maybe just not so big.
5. I really like the colors and shininess in this room

Little side note, now that I see the two photos next to each other, I have decided mine still needs some luster, some shine more pizazz. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can There Be A Happy Marriage?

I spend way to much time looking on the computer for design ideas.  It's a problem, or maybe I'll just refer to it as a hobby.  My problem is I am indecisive.  I wish I could love something and stick with that style.  Here are some examples,

How can I have both in the same room?  I'm thinking of my front room for this marriage of "Hollywood Glam" and the "Traditional Blah".  The first picture I like the "hollywood glam"  (as it's referred as) feel of this room.  And the second I like the colors, I feel this is the color sceme already in the front room. The latter picture is a gorgeous room, but I enjoy the slap in the face of the first.

Oh, can this couple come together in a harmonious union?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Spring Green

My Spring-y piano top, isn't she so green?  Not to much just a little splash to freshen her up.  A little rearranging and something old looks new and fresh.

Now let's hope the weather outside can follow suit and spring up around here.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bed Springs as Decor?

(Ty Pennington at Home,pictured by camera, due to no web pics.)

My inspiration thanks to Ty Pennington at Home Magazine.  Something cool and different, that maybe my neighbor might not already have.  And, if they do, wow they are super hip.

My interpretation of the bed springs -   

After a small purchase of wire and a few hours of bending and tying, Ta-Da a unique piece of art.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Boys Bathroom, again

Yet another shower curtain, the last thrift store find was perfect until I brought it home to hang it up and realized it was to short and did not have the feng shui I was looking for. Now, this was found at Ross while buying boys shoes, always on the look out for a good find. It compliments the frog every morning and the frog no longer has to stare at the darkness that was there before, he seems to be smiling now. Luckily for the frog he is having a nice conversation with the lovely curtain and not this behind him.

Darn that Santa, and that blue stuff that stains everything within spitting distance.

Boys Bedroom

This is a real boys room, now I try to get "cool" ideas to decorate his room, but when said boy has so many different interest and is still growing and trying every experience out there. How does one decorate such a room? He is just a well rounded individual, that wants to keep his options open, right?
This is the collection of interest. Let's have an inventory look, skateboarder wall sticker, a guitar picture, football frame, a favorite auntie holding up the Statue of Liberty, a jar of skateboard toy parts, a pinewood derby car. Now the stuff some might wonder about, lava lamp you might say cool, but pink for a boy, well we all know around these parts, pink can be a favorite color for a tough boy. A rock not a cool rock from an exotic beach trip but a rock, it is sweet his brother did paint a hieroglyphics on it for him. And the best yet, an air wick air freshener, now little boys do stink and I'm all for him having a nice smelling room but, when a boy ask for a room freshener, I find that interesting, I just didn't know any type of guy thought about that sort of thing.

Now this thing over here is my attempt of a PB copy, in the PBteen catalog I saw skateboard shelves, how cool is that! I had my ah ha moment and thought to myself, that garbage out in the garage and back yard can become something cool. Not only is it recycling to some degree, it had personal meaning, being his first skateboard and all.

It was definitely loved. And so is my pink loving, nail polish wearing, skateboarding, football loving little boy.